Employment news

Oxfam reports progress on safeguarding

In setting out its latest progress report and global safeguarding data update following the Haiti scandal last year Oxfam reveals that it received 294 safeguarding reports across Oxfam’s group of 19 affiliated charities in the year to March 2019.

Of the 221 cases now closed 23 involved sexual abuse, 25 were cases of exploitations including paying for sex, 74 involved sexual harassment and 98 were other forms of misconduct such as bullying. As a result of the investigations there have been 79 dismissals, 10 resignations, 45 cases of non-disciplinary action such as training, 58 cases where there was insufficient evidence and 21 cases in which the complainant did not wish to go forward to an investigation.

The progress report also provides an update on the work the charity has undertaken over the past year to strengthen its safeguarding procedures. This includes created the roles of a safeguarding associate director at Oxfam International and a director of safeguarding at Oxfam GB. It has also introduced a single case management system across every country in which Oxfam operates, aiming to improve the timeliness and consistency of safeguarding investigations and reporting.

The Independent Commission that Oxfam set up in March 2018 to review its culture and safeguarding will publish its final report in June, following visits to nine countries.