Research perspectives

Research perspectives

Surveys show staff use sick leave to avoid toxic workplaces

A survey by HR consultancy Intoo has found that one third of employees experiencing a toxic workplace culture used sick leave to avoid it. Even more (44%) said they used their holiday or personal leave …

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Research perspectives

Half of neurodivergent employees miss work due to lack of support

Half of neurodivergent employees have taken time off work due to their neurodivergence, City & Guilds’ annual Neurodiversity Index found. This increased 5% from last year. The report, produced in collaboration with neurodiverse IT provider …

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Research perspectives

Workplace discrimination a  ‘pervasive problem’ report finds

A report by The Young Foundation has revealed that almost three quarters (72 per cent) of professionals with two or more marginalised characteristics have experienced ‘discriminatory or exclusionary’ behaviour in the workplace since the start …

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Research perspectives

Managers the cause of microaggressions and discrimination, many employees say

Research for the charity Mental Health First Aid England has found that nearly one in three employees have experienced some form of microaggression or discrimination from their manager in the past six months. The research …

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Research perspectives

Lengthy disciplinary processes problematic, research finds

Nearly one in five employers experience their disciplinary processes dragging on for longer than three months, causing a significant drain on time and resources, a survey has found. Research by HR support service WorkNest  shows …

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Research perspectives

Bleak picture for neurodiverse employees

One in five neurodivergent employees say that they have faced discrimination or harassment at work. This is the headline finding from the CIPD’s report “Neuroinclusion at work.” The report paints a bleak picture for neurodiverse …

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