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Employment news

Employees question employers’ commitment to diversity

According to recent research by Badenoch & Clark one in five employees have taken action to hide their age, disability, social background or sexuality in the workplace or when applying for a job. Inspiring Inclusion …

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Case law updates

Failure to manage performance and poor investigation combine to demonstrate constructive dismissal

In Williams v Meddygfa Rrhdbach Surgery a medical practice manager has won a constructive dismissal case against her former employer after claiming she was bullied by a “brusque and blunt” doctor. Williams had worked for …

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Employment news

Manager bad behaviour causes one in five resignations

A survey of 2,000 UK workers by ‘Glassdoor’ has found that one in five employees will resign because of an annoying boss, and over two thirds are likely to encounter bad manager behaviour at some …

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Case law updates

Long service not a defence for unacceptable social media comments

In Plant v API Microelectronics Ltd. an employment tribunal has rejected an unfair dismissal claim by a long-serving employee with a clean disciplinary record who was dismissed due to comments made on Facebook about her employer. Plant …

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Employment news

Barclays CEO’s attempt to unmask a whistleblower strongly criticised

Whistleblowing charities and law firms have called for companies to offer more protection to workers who flag up internal problems following the news that Barclays CEO Jes Staley’s attempted to track down the author of …

Read more about Barclays CEO’s attempt to unmask a whistleblower strongly criticised

Case law updates

ET understands reason for employer interference in choice of companion

In Gnahoua v Abellio London Ltd, an Employment Tribunal held that whilst the employer breached the claimant’s right to be accompanied when it refused to allow his chosen companions to accompany him at a disciplinary …

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