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Employment news

Tribunal Award increases

April 2023 has seen changes to employment rates and limits that are adjusted annually in line with the retail prices index. Among these are the limits on employment tribunal awards. The statutory limit on certain …

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Case law updates

Disciplining twice for the same offence not automatically unfair

Whilst an employee should not generally be disciplined twice for the same offence, a recent case shows that in exceptional circumstances an employer can reopen disciplinary proceedings that had been previously concluded. In the case …

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Research perspectives

Whistleblowing Report finds link between return to offices and rise in harassment complaints

The return to offices following covid has seen a rise in the proportion of whistleblowing complaints about harassment and racism. According to the recently released Safecall 2023 Whistleblowing Benchmark Report these went up by 5% …

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Employment news

Office for Students launches further consultation on staff-student relationships in HE

The Office for Students (OfS) has launched a consultation on regulating harassment and sexual misconduct in English higher education. It signals a need for greater support for victims, and mandatory training for students and staff. …

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Employment news

Universities told to be more open about complaints

Data protection concerns should not stop UK universities from being more open about how they deal with harassment complaints from staff and students, according to guidelines now available from Universities UK (UUK). The guidelines respond …

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Case law updates

Cleaners win Unfair Dismissal claim due procedural unfairness by employer

A Tribunal has found that two cleaners were unfairly dismissed when the allegations of rude and abusive behaviour towards colleagues and clients were not  conducted in a “procedurally fair manner”. The two women, sisters, had …

Read more about Cleaners win Unfair Dismissal claim due procedural unfairness by employer