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Case law updates

Video surveillance at work breached employee privacy

The European Court of Human Rights’ (ECHR) has ruled that video surveillance of lecture halls where professors worked violated their right to privacy, continuing a trend in case law that video surveillance is an intrusion …

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Research perspectives

Universities “complacent and inadequate” on issues of sexual misconduct, Guardian investigation finds

UK universities have been accused by sexual violence campaigners and the National Union of Students of a “complacent and inadequate response” to sexual harassment and gender violence following a Guardian investigation. 104 Universities responded to …

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Employment news

ET claims on the rise as predicted following fees’ abolition

The number of ET claims in England and Wales rose by 66 per cent in the three months following the abolition of fees in July 2017. The largest increase was in single claims for unfair …

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Research perspectives

Senior management conflict is poor role model for staff

In a recent London Business School survey of 1,200 senior managers in-fighting and conflict, with a focus on personal agendas was blamed for management’s difficulty in working as a team. The report says that the …

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Employment news

Tribunal Fees: refund scheme opens

The process of refunding Tribunal fees began on 20th November, following a four week trial involving one thousand claimants. Anyone who paid a fee between July 2013 and July 2017 can now apply for a …

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Case law updates

Tribunal criticises employer for “pre-determined” attempt to dismiss

In the case of Sekander v RocketMill an ET has ruled that a web designer dismissed for gross misconduct on the grounds of significant financial loss and the misuse of a workplace email server during …

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