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Employment news

Confidential data “intentionally leaked by one in four employees”

In a survey of 2,000 UK staff, data privacy and risk management company Egress Software Technologies has found that one in four  have intentionally leaked confidential business information to individuals outside their organisations. The research …

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Case law updates

‘Without prejudice’ conversations are no defence against bullying claims

In a case concerning a Mr Graham, a sales director for Agilitas IT Solutions, the EAT has ruled that employers cannot selectively use parts of ‘without prejudice’ conversations to bring action against their staff unless …

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Employment news

Whistleblowers deterred by company culture

Research by law firm Freshfields has found that despite   whistleblowing becoming more standardised practice in workplaces around the world organisational culture still deters large numbers of employees from taking this step. ​In a survey of …

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Employment news

​Report calls on employers and government to “up their game” on mental health in the workplace

A report by Lord Dennis Stevenson and Paul Farmer has urged employers to do more to look after the mental health of their workforce. Estimating that poor mental health costs employers between £33 billion and …

Read more about ​Report calls on employers and government to “up their game” on mental health in the workplace

Case law updates

Non-executive directors held personally liable for whistleblower’s compensation award

In International Petroleum Limited and others v Osipov and others, the EAT found that two non-executive directors were jointly and severally liable with the employer company for £1.7m of compensation awarded to a whistleblower in respect of his …

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Case law updates

Half of staff ‘witness unethical behaviour at work’

The survey of 1,000 UK professionals by charity A Blueprint for Better Business has found that more than half have witnessed, or been asked to do, something unethical at work. It revealed that just 2 …

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